My Coopertive Teacher


 My Coopertive Teacher "Sir. Joseph Masinading"

    During SEA Teacher, we will have our own cooperative teachers. My cooperative teacher is you can call him Sir Joseph Masinading. Sir Joseph Masinading is one of the sports teachers at UIC. Sir Joseph Masinading teaches grade 7 and grade 9 for Mapeh PE. 

       Sir Joseph Masinading is like my brother in Davao because he is very kind and caring to me. At the beginning of the meeting I was very reluctant with him, but after getting to know him better, Sir Joseph Masinading is patient, kind, smart and also very friendly. Even though Sir Joseph Masinading knew my English skills were very poor, he always invited me to talk and tell stories so that my English skills improved. during my teaching, Sir Joseph Masinading always encouraged me, gave me advice and always supported me. During my internship at UIC I always gave her a lot of trouble but Sir Joseph Masinading still helped me.

 This is the Mapeh PE team, we also have student interns who happen to be Ayuni from Malaysia and from UIC 4th year students Kim, Mj, and Miq and myself from Indonesian interns.

and this is a picture of me with my 7th grade class when I was teaching Taekwondo and with Sir Joseph and Mrs. Hellen.

    The photo above is a photo of us when we participated in the Philippine cultural festival at UIC Bajada which was very crowded, you can see me wearing Banjar traditional clothes, Ayunie wearing Malaysian Kebaya traditional clothes, and Sir Joseph Wearing Typical Sasirangan clothes. 


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Enjoy My Life in Davao City, Philippines.

3. Teaching Plan

1. School: General Information and Academic Administrasion.