1. School: General Information and Academic Administrasion.

School Profile


The University of the Immaculate Conception (UIC) was started in 1905. UIC is a private Catholic elementary and higher education institution managed by the Religiosity of the Virgin Mary in Davao City, Davao del Sur, Philippines.

(Source:  Main Campus https://www.facebook.com/RVMUICDAVAO/photos/a.1947937795434119/2837965769764646/?type=3&theater)


After my observation, I learned that UIC has three separate campuses: Fr. Selga Campus (Main), Bonifacio Campus (Annex) and Bajada Campus (Basic Education). While in Davao city, I stayed at the Pater Selga (main campus) hotel. In this hotel we stayed with other international students and UIC students. This UIC hotel is male-only and has a rule that all gates and doors will be closed at 9pm. The facilities during our stay were well prepared, such as providing a separate kitchen out of respect for those of us who are Muslim. This made us feel comfortable during our stay at the UIC hotel.

The place where we carry out our internship is at the Bajada campus, which is about 20-30 minutes from the main campus. We would travel to the Bajada campus by jeep. The Bajada campus is where the university's primary and secondary school facilities are located.

    In 2000, UIC Bajada was first established on a 7-hectare land located in Dumanlas, Bajada, 8000 Davao City. The campus offers basic education from pre-school, elementary school, junior high school and high school. UIC has a Vision. Mission and goals: 

Visions :

A globally recognized Catholic university
that nurtures faith, builds passion for excellence and
develops lifelong learners with compassion to serve
impacting transformation in a rapidly changing society.

Mission :

We are committed to:
  1. Provide excellent educational experiences to students to help them become globally competitive and adaptive to change:
  2. Instill the values of serving others with humility and love, working for justice, promoting peace, and preserving the integrity of creation;
  3. Engage in research activities in collaboration with local, regional, national and international partners;
  4. Uphold human dignity, especially of the poor;
  5. Promote and strengthen Filipino culture and values; and
  6. Manage the university in accordance with Catholic doctrine.


    The University of the Immaculate Conception is a Catholic school that is part of the Congregation of the Religious of the Blessed Virgin Mary that aims to impart Catholic values to its students and personnel. Its purpose is to provide an educational program and environment imbued with Catholic doctrines, beliefs, teachings, traditions, and practices, the implementation of which is protected by, among others, Article III, Section 5 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.

    For us to approach our vision and carry out our mission, we dedicate all our human resources to transform the members of the UIC family into enlightened, empowered, proactive, and liberated Christian leaders living in a humane and harmonious community for the love of God, country, and the world.

Core Values

Faith,Excellence, Service

Profile of an Ignacian Marian Graduate

Ignacian Marian Leader:
responsible global citizens
Imbued with a deep faith in God,
Inspired by a humble spirituality of service,
Committed to constantly seeking the best.



Academic Support System

    There are three buildings in Bajada Campus for elementary school to senor high class. During my internship here, I was placed in the Junior high School according to my major which is physical education (PE), so I taught and observed in grade 9 (ST. Claire) and grade 7 (Vides, St. Ma. Goretti, SMDP, ST. Elizabeth, ST. Agnes) just to observe in the first week and then I teaching. 

    The facilities here can be seen from each class there are LCD TVs, fans, very long blackboards that can make it easier for students to learn the material given by the teacher. UIC also provides several useful rooms such as a library with complete facilities (air conditioning, computers for searching books, lecturer rooms, and comfortable tables and chairs) to support student learning. Prayer room and clinic. 

School facilities include: 

1. Library

2. Audio-Visual Room (AVR)

3. Clinic

4. Science, Biology and Chemistry Laboratories

5. Computer Laboratory

6. Bunda Ignasius Sports Hall

7. Worship room

8. School Canteen

9. Teacher's Room

10. Speech Laboratory

11. Guidance Center

12. Auditorium 

13. Internet Access in all school zones

14. School Bus for Students


Teaching System

    The teaching and learning process here is carried out in a full day school, which is only 5 days. The learning process for each class starts at 07.30 in the morning and ends at 04.45 in the afternoon. The subjects taught at this school are Science, AP (Araling Panlipunan), TLE (Technology and Livelihood Education), English, CLVED, MAPEH(Music and Arts, Physical Education Health), Filipino, Mathematics, and Robotics. Every class teacher Advisers have their own advisory time, start at  07.15-07.30.The learning process in class is given 1 hour. It's different if the class I teach on Thursday and Friday has 2 periods.

Materials and other learning sources

     The material taught is in accordance with the K-12 core curriculum. During the lesson the teacher has books that can be borrowed from the school library. Likewise, students also have books as learning guides. Apart from using books, teachers can complete and search for material on the internet (online books).

Measurement and Evaluation System

     As an evaluation of the learning process carried out, this school holds exams. Here there are monthly exams which will be held every month and periodic exams will be held at the end of each quarter. At the end of the year, there will be awards for students who successfully maintain their grades. It's not just a test. A form of evaluation is also carried out through quizzes at the end of the learning process.


    UIC High School teachers have also prepared for the intensified application of the UbD Framework and the initial implementation of the K to 12 program by undergoing the training, “Curricular Visioning and Benchmarking” that puts emphasis on the teacher as a curriculum leader. The training’s lecture-workshop construct enhances teaching effectives. The training initiative is an innovative approach to re-tool the faculty to effect curricular change and to expand learning opportunities. The teachers productively engage in the workshop activities, leading to a review of the Development Program on Instruction.

Teaching plan (of your major)

    Teachers make their own lesson plan but still in line with the curriculum, also based on the scopes and sequence monitoring that will be made right after entering the new quarter.
In order to get the aim of UIC, the lesson plan is designed by the following elements :

  • Transfer goal
  • Essential understanding
  • Essential question

1. Preliminaries

  • Review
  • Focus
  • Motivation
  • APK (Activating Prior Knowledge)

2. Lesson Development

  • Learning objectives
  • Collaborative activities
  • Broadening of concept
  • Integration

3. Evaluation Assessment

4. Summary / Action

5. Purposive Assignment / Enrichment

6. References

An example of a lesson plan that I made is as follows :

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Enjoy My Life in Davao City, Philippines.

3. Teaching Plan